Square Dancing RV'rs

Monday, September 19, 2005

Buffalo and Niagara Falls

We've had a busy 4 days here in Buffalo. On Saturday we took a car tour with Uncle Norm and Aunt Mary Ellen and Connie's cousin, Barb. We drove around downtown Buffalo and then went to the casino out at Niagara Falls. That evening we went to dinner and Uncle Howard and Aunt Bea's home. Also there were Norm and Mary Ellen, Barb, Howard and Bea's kids (Connie's cousins) - Gary, Jim, and Mary, plus Connie's Uncle Russell and Aunt Rosemary.

On Sunday Connie's cousins, Ron and Joanne, plus Joanne's son, Danny went for the day to Niagara Falls. We all had a superb time - the weather was perfect. We took a ride on the Maid of the Mist - the boat that takes you to the base of the Horseshoe falls. We also drove over to the Canadian side to view the falls. On the Canadian side you get a really good view of the American falls, plus they have beautiful gardens.

After the falls trouring we went to Connie's cousin, Ken's home for dinner. We had turkey dinner in celebration of a second cousin's birthday. All in all, we had a really wonderful time in Buffalo.

A big thank you to all of our Buffalo relations who welcomed us with such open arms. We truly had a great time. You are the best!!


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