Square Dancing RV'rs

Friday, September 29, 2006

Royal Gorge, Colorado

Today, Friday, September 29th, we left Colorado Springs and headed southwest to a place called the Royal Gorge. We will be going to the Gorge this afternoon. So more on that in the next post.

We enjoyed our week at the Airforce Academy family camp in Colorado Springs. Wednesday we went to a town called Cripple Creek - one of the oldest towns in the United States to have electricity. We drove to the top of Pikes Peak that same day - 19 miles one way to the top. It was about 31 degrees and trying to snow when we reached the top. There are some pretty awesome views from the top and along the way. We didn't go on the day (weather wise) that was the nicest. We tried to go on Sunday and the road was only open 13 miles. We called every day and finally made it up there on Wednesday.

We have had some really glorious fall weather here in Colorado and are thourghly enjoying this state. It's about 70 degrees today. In checking the upcoming weather it looks like it will turn colder and rainy.


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