Square Dancing RV'rs

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Copala, Mexico

This past week we took a 100 mile roundtrip drive to the town of Copala, Mexico. This town was founded in 1565 by the Spanish to work the nearby mines. The town has quaint cobblestone streets that wind their way down into the town. There is also a very old church.

We've hardly driven our truck. We do drive to the grocery stores, but for sightseeing trips into the Golden Zone of Mazatlan or to old town it's much easier to hop on the bus. No worries about where to park. The bus stops right outside our park and costs 80 cents for the airconditioned bus and 50 cents for the old Mexican buses.

We've been walking every morning. It's a 3 mile round trip - trying to get in shape for our trip to Europe. Here's your spanish for the day. Hola to everyone. (Hola is hello - pronounced ollah).


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