Square Dancing RV'rs

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Stehekin, Washington

We have just returned from a 3 night stay in Stehekin (Tuesday through Friday). Stehekin is located at the north end of Lake Chelan in the North Cascades. The only way to get to Stehekin is by hiking in, flying in on a float plane (which we did once) or taking the Lady of the Lake Boat. We took the Lady of the Lake Express up on Tuesday.

We stayed at the Stehekin Mountain cabin - our favorite place to stay. This cabin is owned by Don and Roberta Pitts. He was the postmaster for about 17 years and she is the school superintendent.

On Wednesday, Connie's son and daughter-in-law, Brian and Toddi, joined us. It's probably a good thing they didn't come the first night as we had no power on Tuesday night. We had nice weather, especially on Wednesday, the day Brian and Toddi arrived. We enjoyed our time with them by driving up the valley to High Bridge, hiking to Agnes Gorge, visitng Rainbow Falls, Buckner Orchard, and other scenic places in the Stehekin Valley. Bob enjoyed some catch and release fishing.

Brian and Connie had a little cribbage battle - the outcome? Connie - 8 wins and Brian 1 win.


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