Square Dancing RV'rs

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Moving day for Brian and Toddi

We've been busy for the last couple of weeks - but don't I always say that? Over the 4th of July we headed to Circle 8 square dance ranch for a full weekend of dancing. We were there from July 2nd to the 6th.

Friday, the 11th, we headed to Everett. Bob had a doctor's appointment, and we also managed to squeeze in several other items as well. We went shopping at the commissary, had lunch with Cody (grandson), shopped at Alderwood Mall, and then had dinner at the Red Umbrella coffee shop in Everett. Our neighbor from when we lived in our first house in Everett was playing there from 6 to 8 in the evening. So, we watched him perform for an hour while we had dinner, then headed back over the pass to Wenatchee.

Saturday morning we went to Toddi and Brian's new house in East Wenatchee to help them do a little cleaning. Then, it was back to our house for me to watch Hudson for the day. Bob along with Toddi's brother and family helped them move from Entiat to East Wenatchee. I delivered pizza about 4:00 and then also helped them unload the truck. It was HOT! After unloading the truck, Bob, Hudson, and I came back to our home to hang out. Meanwhile Toddi and Brian made another run to load the rental truck and bring it down to their new home. Toddi picked up Hudson about 10:00p.m. So, it was a long day for everyone. We went over this morning to help out for a couple of hours. But, we bailed out since they were so pooped from yesterday's efforts that we weren't getting much done. Brian's dad, Mike, was arriving from Alaska this afternoon, so now he can help them!

We're headed to Oregon the middle of next week to attend the Oregon summer square dance festival and see my mom and dad. Bob continues to work on the sprinkler system for the yead. Right now he has the valve box and filters on the island in the kitchen and is laying out how he will hook it all up. Very soon I hope. I'm tired of the dirt out in the yard.


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