Spokane, Washington
Connie has finished her week at Mountain Trek Spa. It was a lot of hard work, but fun also. There was a great group of 12 guests - 10 women and 2 men. The weather was rainy on Thursday, but other days were either sunny or partly cloudy.
One of the hikes Connie went on at Mountain Trek was on an old railroad grade. There she managed to lose her heart monitor strap. Bob was kind enough to drive to the trailhead to look for the strap. After searching for 45 minutes he located it and drove it to her at the lodge. He was the savior that day!! If you want to see the website for Mountain trek it's at www.hiking.com.
Since we weren't due in Spokane until Thursday (June 15th) we spent several days in the Kootenays. Hiked along the river in Kaslo, did the old growth trail trail in Kootenay Glacier Park on Sunday, Fry Creek Canyon on Monday. The Fry Creek trail was alongside a creek that was more like a river. And it had a lot of water. A very noisy and boisterous creek!! On Tuesday, we took the free ferry from Balfour, B.C. and crossed to east side of the lake and then drove south along the lake for 30 miles or so. We entered the USA through Idaho. It was a really beautiful drive. We stopped to do some shopping in Sandpoint, Idaho. We continued onto Fairchild AFB in Spokane.
It's raining here in Spokane, but suppose to get better by tomorrow. We're doing the fun stuff of life - grocery shopping, laundry, handling paperwork, etc.
Thursday will be more fun as we will be moving to the fairgrounds here in Spokane for the state square dance fetival and attending the trial-in dance that evening. We'll be here until Sunday when we head westward toward's Connie's son's home. We might do a little hiking near the Mad River.
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