Square Dancing RV'rs

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Casa Grande, Arizona

We moved south to Casa Grande, Arizona to the park where Connie's mom and dad live. Connie's brother, Steve, and wife, Nancy, are here in the park also. So, we're having a mini family reunion. Because Steve and Nancy have a cat, we're both in the pet section. We're parked across the street from each other. Mom and dad are in the non-pet section.

Connie and Nancy went to Yoga this morning. We all went out to dinner together tonight. Monday, when we arrived we played a game that Steve and Nancy taught us. We thought it was pretty fun. It was called Presidents and Assholes. It's one of those games you can learn pretty esaily with one hand being played.

We're getting excited about our trip to Mexico. We'll be in Mazatlan for 3 months. So, watch the blog for this upcoming adventure.


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