Square Dancing RV'rs

Monday, August 25, 2008

Florida here we come

Hudson asleep at the ball game
We're headed to Florida on Tuesday, the 26th. We're headed to the Daytona Beach area for Bob's granddaughter's wedding. While in Florida we're planning a day a Discovery Cove. We're also taking two granddaughters, one great-grandson, and 3 grandchildren to Sea World.

This past weekend we actually stayed home. We did some work in the yard. We're planning to put the grass in when we get home. It'll take a little more work to get it ready for the sod. We also watched Brian play in a ball tournament. They won 3 games on Saturday and lost one game. Sunday morning they lost so were out of the tournament.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Chapel in the Brothel at the Underground

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Jail in the Underground

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Cash Register

From the Meat Market at the Underground 
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Pendleton Underground

Bar in the Underground 
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Pendleton, Oregon

We spent the first two weekends of August at the happiest place on earth - no not Disneyland. We were at Circle 8 Ranch. We even talked our neighbors who live across the street into coming with us on August 8th and 9th. They enjoyed getting out and seeing some of Washington as they moved here a year ago from Phoenix.

On Wednesday, August 13th we drove over to Circle 8 to pick up our fifth wheel. Then we drove to Pendleton, Oregon. There was a regional square dance event taking place there - the USA West. Square dancers from Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and a few other states were there.

We really enjoyed visiting Pendleton especially the Pendleton Underground. The buildings on the tour have been maintained, true to the original state. We were able to see the sidewalks and basalt-rock tunnels the way they were constructed pre 1890's. This is the original red-light district of Pendleton. The tour lasted two hours and was very interesting.

We also visited the Tamastslikt Cultural Center which is at the Wildhorse Casino. It was a very well done museum depicting the Indian history in the Pendleton area.

And, of course, we square danced. The event started with a barbecue dinner followed by a Wild West Show on Wednesday night. Then there were 3 full days of dancing. We used to dance during the day when we went to these kind of events and now it's more just in the evening. We're now home in Wenatchee.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Buddy (front) and neighbor cat

They check each other out with a fence in between them 
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