Square Dancing RV'rs

Monday, February 18, 2013

Mission Ridge snowshoes

I have been up to Mission Ridge 4 times in the last few weeks to snowshoe.  The latest outing was to Clara Lake, which has a 900 foot elevation gain. I was definitely working hard to get there.  But, what a beautiful scene once we arrived.

We also went snowshoeing one day with Michelle, Hudson, Brian, Toddi, and Quinlee.  Both of those times it was pure blue skies and sunny.

Bob has been recovering from a cracked rib.  He did it falling in our driveway on New Year's eve.

Quinlee ready for a ride in the backpack

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Clara Lake near Mission Ridge

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Saturday, February 02, 2013

Mission Ridge

Toddi and I had a girls night out up at Mission Ridge.  We arrived at 5:00pm for their Moonlight snowshoe hike.  Boy, was it a lot of uphill, but fun.

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