Square Dancing RV'rs

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hope everyone had a good Turkey day

We spent Thanksgiving with our neighbors, Ram and Celia, and daughter, Michelle. Celia cooked the turkey, dressing, and stuffing. I made pumpkin cake, potato parkerhouse rolls, and green bean casserole. It was a really nice dinner. Brian and Toddi flew to Alaska to visit Brian's dad.

We're getting ready for a trip to New York. Bob's nephew is getting married on December 5th. We'll be sharing a room with Bob's sister at the Queensbury Hotel in Glens Falls. It looks like a really nice place. We'll be gone for 6 days.

Michelle continues to live with us. Well, I should say she sleeps here. She is working at Albertsons and Walgreens and this past week worked 56 hours. So, she isn't here very much.

We had Hudson for several days this past week. He kept us busy as usual. I think I've forgotten how much energy it takes to chase after a 21 month old. Thanks goodness he usually takes a nice long nap.

Brian's 40th birthday cake

Brian turned 40 on Halloween 
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hudson enjoying dad's 40th birthday card

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Hudson with kitty cat ears

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Hudson with his grandPOP

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Buddy and Christmas Cactus

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Our cat Buddy with the blooming Christmas cactus that was my moms. 
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ingalls Creek

Snow on the surrounding mountains 
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Veterans Day

Hard to believe it's already Veteran's day. I don't know where October went. This past weekend we went to Vancouver, Washington for a square dance event. On the way, we spent one night with our friends, Paul and Carol, in Tacoma. We enjoyed a nice dinner out with them and then on Friday a brisk,windy, rainy walk with Carol.

The square dancing in Vancouver was really fun. We danced Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning. By the time one of these weekends ends a person tends to be kind of tired.

We took a small hike with Michelle yesterday up the Ingalls Creek trail. It was brisk out, but still a lovely hike. The trail goes along the creek the whole way, so it's very scenic.

Last night we stopped by to see Brian, Toddi, and Hudson. Hudson has this thing about leading you around. He grabs your hand and wants you to go with him. It was cute, I went down the stairs to get his ball for him. When I came back Bob had moved into where I was sitting on the couch. He pulled Bob up and then sat me back in my place! At one point he was sitting looking at a book next to me on the couch. When I started to talk to Toddi he moved my head so that I was again looking at the book with him. He definitely knows what he wants.

Buddy on our new coffee table

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Monday, November 02, 2009

Posted by PicasaThis is the pile of wood we helped split and stack at Brain and Toddi's yesterday. This tall and long and 4 rows deep !! Ouch!! :)!