Square Dancing RV'rs

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Bob had his surgery on January 21st and is recovering very nicely. He spent the night in the ICU (normal after this type of surgery) and then came home on Thursday. He is feeling pretty good. His neck is swollen, but gets better every day.

We're glad the weather finally changed here in Wenatchee. We had 3 weeks of gray skies, which is unusual for us. Saturday night I went up to Mission Ridge and did a snowshoe walk at 5:00 p.m. One of the Mission Ridge ski patrol guys leads the walk. I know him from working out at the WRAC (athletic club). There were only 3 of us, so he set a pretty fast pace.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Waiting Game

We started out the new year with some fun snowshoeing up by Leavenworth. We also watched Hudson for several days. We were planning a trip to Redmond, Oregon for our 24th anniversary (January 12th). We were hoping to give our new snowshoes a good workout.

Early the morning of January 11th Bob had a TIA - a mini stroke. He was transported to the hospital here in Wenatchee where we spent almost 3 hours. This is the second time he has had one of these TIA's - the first time being the end of August. Both of the TIA's lasted a minute or two and happened about 1:00am while he was sleeping. After the August episode they put Bob on a full aspirin, did bunches of tests, sent him to a vascular surgeon, and decided the aspirin should take care of things.

But, because of this second episode they have put him on Plavix along with the aspirin and scheduled him for surgery on his left carotid artery. That will happen on Wednesday morning, January 21st.

The trip to Redmond, Oregon has been canceled and we feel we're just waiting to get this all over with!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A WSU cougar fan

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Friday, January 02, 2009

Us on New Year's Eve

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Me trying out my new snowshoes

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Buddy enjoying a sunny spot

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