Square Dancing RV'rs

Friday, August 21, 2009

Brian, Toddi, and Hudson

We took Brian and Toddi out to dinner for their 10th anniversary (August 20th) and then to the park for pictures 
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Hudson at the park

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Thursday, August 20, 2009


Just set out a box or a basket and that's where he wants to be 
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Buddy and I in the fifth wheel

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Wenatchee Yard work

After the visit from my cousin, Jan, and family we spent a week at Circle 8 square dance ranch. We took 5 days of round dance lessons followed by a weekend of plus level squaare dancing. Then the following weekend (Aug 14-16) we were again at Circle 8.

On Sunday (the 16th) , I drove to Bellevue to meet up with the FHLB walking group. We met at Jane's house and then walked 3.5 miles at Bridle Trails State park. This is a huge park with many trails and horseback riders. It was in the woods and so was pretty shady. We were passed by several groups of horseback riders. What a great area they have for riding their horses. It's amazing that this park is right in the suburbs of Seattle. After our walk we had a nice lunch - thanks Jane!

This week we're working on our yard. We're putting grass in the parking strip. It seems like it should be an easy job, but first we had to extend the sprinklers to this area. I actually shouldn't say we - since it's mainly been Bob out there doing the work.

Last night my neighbor and I went to the movie Julie and Julia. This movie is a real treat. Just makes my want to cook Julia Child’s Boeuf Bourguignon Recipe. And, maybe use some more butter! Amy Adams is so great as Julie as is Meryl Streep as Julia Child.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Mt. Rainer, the Space Needle, and Pike Street Mkt

These last couple of days have been very busy. My cousin, Jan, and her family came to the Seattle area for a few days for a vacation. They live in San Jose, California and I guess they thought they needed to bring the hot weather with them.

They stayed at my brother, Steve's house in Orting. On Thursday, we went out for breakfast and then headed up to Mt. Rainier. We did all of the normal stops - Longmire, Christine Falls, Narada Falls, and then a picnic lunch at the new visitor center at Paradise.

On the way home we stopped at Mineral where they have an old railroad ride. Carl and CJ wanted to see the train even though they knew it wasn't running due to the hot weather conditions. They were trilled with what they were able to see at the yard. Then, on the way home we drove by Johnson's corner where Jan's mom lived for awhile with their family. We also went by the old school and their home which was next door.

On Friday, we drove to Seattle. First, we went up the Space Needle. Next stop was the Pike Street Market, and then onto the Old Spagetti Factory for lunch. We then tried to get to somewhere that we could see the Blue Angels practice for Seafair, but that was sort of a bust. We did find the University of Washington bookstore where Carl and Jessica bought some items. We then drove to Auburn to my nephew's home (Brent and Lea) where we swam in their pool and had a barbeque.

Today we're headed to Centralia for a train ride there. Fortunately, the weather has cooled off to more normal temperatures.

Pike Street Market

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Space Needle in Seattle

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My mom's old grade school

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Jessica, Jan, CJ, and Carl

My cousin, Jan, and family at Mt. Rainier 
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Flowers and Mt. Rainier

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Mt Rainier

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Christine Falls at Mt. Rainier

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Carl, Jessica, my cousin, Jan, and CJ

My cousin, Jan, and family from San Jose were vixiting the Pacific Northwest 
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Elbe Church near Mt. Rainier

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